I'm a senior engineer who loves writing tests, working in tight knit teams and making the world a little better through code.
I've lived and worked in South Africa, the UK and now the US. I'm currently working for Norm.ai and based in NYC.
I like to think I'm pretty good, but don't just take my word for it.
My work experiences are listed below, but I'm also always tinkering on my own experiments.
September 2024 - present
Norm.ai is using LLMs to help compliance teams. We are based in NYC and always looking for talented engineers.
June 2023 - September 2024
Fullsend is a small "do it all" agency based out of Santa Monica. As a fullstack engineer, I’ve led diverse consumer-facing initiatives spanning journalism, telemedicine, web3, and generative AI spaces. Each engagement is unique, but typically I've been embedded in a larger team helping accelerate them towards their specific goals. While adept at adapting to various tech stacks, React, Next.js, and TypeScript have been recurring tools amongst client projects.
February 2018 - June 2022
Beryl is one of the UK's biggest micro-mobility platforms. During my 4 years there, I helped build out the core product and scale it to our first 1 million rides. This involved setting up our infrastructure and CI with Helm & GCP Kubernetes, writing our microservices using Python & Flask, implementing a GraphQL API gateway and building out UIs in React & React-Native. I worked across the stack from the component library all the way to our data services using BigQuery, DBT & Looker.
Later, I led larger projects, like, expanding our systems to cater to multiple vehicle types, migrating our mechanics tasking service to ServiceNow using dual-writes and feature flags as well as changing our core state machines and API’s to be inline with the micro-mobility industry's MDS standard.
I spent a year as engineering team lead where I was the direct line manager for 8 engineers, splitting my time between coding, stakeholder meetings, spec'ing features with senior engineers and pairing with juniors.
November 2014 - November 2017
Balena.io is a PAAS that enables developers update and manage embedded Linux devices.
I joined Balena early and wore many hats through my time there.
Mostly I was involved in developer relations. Building out documentation, example projects and advocating for the product at meetups & conferences.
I also contributed to the frontend stack. Helping to maintain most of the websites and the component library.
Firing Squad
November 2013 - November 2014
Firing Squad was a digital agency building WordPress sites for some of South Africa's largest companies including Dimension Data, Condé Nast and PWC.
I got my start at Firing Squad, converting PSDs to custom WordPress themes and maintaining some big custom WordPress installs.
Please don't ever make me use WordPress again. 😂